Shara's E Zone

Discover the erotic world of Shara Lanel romances…

Post-EPICon pics!

80s me I’m home from EPICon and ready to veg in front of the TV or computer or sleep for a long, long time. Totally worn out from dancing to 80s music at the Phaze party, laughing until my sides hurt to Jeff Strand’s all-genre story (by way of introducing the Eppie categories), and walking along the boardwalk at Virginia Beach. I also participated in two book signings, attended workshops, and hung out with some fabu authors. Now I’m tuckered!

PB signingBut I wanted to post some pictures to give you a taste if you missed it. EPICon is the conference put on by EPIC to celebrate e-book authors and e-publishers. The variety of books offered electronically is amazing! But I won’t go into all that here…I’ve got stories to tell!

Starting with my first ever signing in Barnes & Nobles! The EPIC group stretched across the store and the crowd was lively. Sherrilyn Kenyon was the headliner (did you know she was originally e-published?). I was so pleased that people actually bought my books–thank you, thank you! The next night 8 of us signed at The Pink Banana (not far from the conference hotel). As usual I learned more about “toys” then I ever thought I would. *g*

The Eppies banquet involved baudy conversation–the authors at my table were an absolute riot! Then Jeff Strand launched into his every-genre story in which he resolved to have a cliff hanger before every category and I was hunched over with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Congrats to the winners, btw!
Cake guy
Ghost BustersAnd after the awards’ ceremony came the party I’d been waiting for: Phaze’s 80s party. I’d dug out my Sig Sig shirt just for the occasion. The Madonnas in the room rocked, but my personal fave were the Ghost Busters (yes, that’s Bridget Midway there). And on the cake are the two covers for the Phaze cover contest, and that’s the cover model (probably deeply confused) standing with me in the first pic.

I’d love to hear from anyone else who attended the conference, and maybe tomorrow I’ll post a few more pics.


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5 thoughts on “Post-EPICon pics!

  1. *waves* It was great meeting you!

  2. I ain’t afraid of no ghosts! *LOL* I’m so glad you had a great time at the party. Wish EPICon was in Virginia Beach every year. I could definitely do that again.

  3. Great meeting you, Alessia!

    Who you gonna call?
    Bridget Midway of course 😉

  4. It was great to meet you at EPICON. I am sooooo tired. Hope to chat soon.


  5. Hi Eliza! Me too–I’ve just been catching up on my Tivo’d shows. Hopefully my brain will return to full function tomorrow.

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